Release of Official Trailer

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We are very pleased to be able to bring you our official trailer for the documentary ‘Bam Bam’. You can check it out on our front page. We want to say a huge thanks to all of the crew involved in the project to date – Will Sheridan & Stephen Ramplin for their beautiful cinematography; Glenn Taylor for his super sound recording skills; Elliott Klein for the post production sound on the trailer; and William Elm for the use of his evocative soundtrack ‘Neptune’ from the album Metamorphica (which you can check out here). And of course to the ever inspiring Bianca ‘Bam Bam’ Elmir for her willingness to open her life to our scrutiny. We look forward to sharing the finished film with you all down the track. Thanks everyone for your support – Phill Northwood & Jemma van Loenen (the filmmakers!)